
Monday, 8 July 2013

Matariki ball night

Matariki Ball recount.

Yay! On the 28th of June 2013 at Glen brae School we had a Matariki Ball Night. We had a ball night so we can celebrate matariki and so we can fund raise for our yr 7/8 camp. It was very fun dancing with the teacher’s and parent's. As i was looking around for my friend’s I saw a group of student’s having a dance battle.A while after that i was watching all their dance move’s and then after awhile i just recognized   that my friend’s where the one’s that were having a dance battle in the middle of the circle. 20 minute’s later they stopped the song and called out the junior king and queen and senior king and queen .Our senior king was Vonny from room 7 and the queen was Tame’e for doing the best Dance move’s. After that they played the music again and again and we all danced until the Matariki ball was finished.


Anonymous said...

nice work katalina that recount of the matariki ball sounds intresting...

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