
Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Where no boat could be

"Where No Boat Could Live," by Roger Fyfe

1. Where is Chatham Island, and what is the weather like there? Chatham Island is near the pacific Ocean the weather like their is very strong wind and frequent storms.
2. Who were the first people to arrive there? How did they get there? The visitors arrived in huge double- hulled canoes after what must have been a long and difficult voyage.
3. How did the Moriori live? Give some example of what they did to survive? They gathered up food like vegetables kumara taro yams berries fern roots kopi karaka kernels and they also fished for eels crabs seaweed paua and fish.
4. What is a wash - through wake? What was it used for? Is a waka that could carry heavy loads of food and large amount of people.
5. Why were the wake korai and the wake paging so special? The waka Korari and the waka pahi is so special was their simple yet clever designs.
6. What do the words ballast and capsize mean? The sea water became a natural ballast and actually helped the waka remain stable. This made them almost impossible to capsize
7. Please give a brief summary of the article. For the crew getting their  legs wet was a small price to pay for a safe journey.
8. Why were the Moriori considered backward? They considered their waka to be clumsy and primitive and through that their simple design  meant that the people were simple, too.

9. What do you think about the skills and designs of the Moriori and why? That they use patterns and designs on their boats and that they make their own boats and catch their own food to live.
By Katalina.


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