
Thursday, 1 August 2013

The scariest Holiday ever?

Thursday 1 August 2013

The scariest Holiday ever?

In One cool sunny afternoon me and my family went, on a Holiday to Invercargill. It was very scary at first because i had only been on plane once, so this is my second time on a plane i had butterflies in my stomach because i haven’t been on a airplane for like ages.Since last last year. All of us decided to go on a long as trip over there because we haven’t really been out of the city for about 3 or 4 years.

When we arrived at the airport we all were kind of excited, we weren't  at first but now we were we where very sad because our papa, was the only one in Auckland and we were far far far away from him he had to stay in Auckland because he had to take,care of the animals and feed them.

Finally the lady at the desk said. “Auckland to Wellington plane goes in 20 mins’’.My sister said come on guys hurry up we are going to miss our flight.Oh! Man are we going now i said to my sister yeah! why are you scared. “yes because this is my second time on a plane and plus i watched lot’s of scary movies about planes I don’t want it to happen to us I said”.
yes it won’t my Baby sister well  OK come on the plane is on level 2 door 7 so then we went to level 2 then the lady said are you going to Invercargill then my sister said yes we are so then she gave the tickets to the lady then she pinned it and ripped the paper this way the lady said”.So then we walked down a long hallway and went to the check out everyone else walked past the baser door except for me come on Lina OK so then i walked past it and the red light went on and the sound went beep beep beep i was so scared so then they checked my clothing and it was my belt so i am clear after all.The Lady said you're clear.

When we went onto the plane i was crying into tears and said to my sister.I don’t want to go anymore can i go home.”My Big sister said to me No i already paid for your tickets and you can’t go back Sorry Lina.” Then the ladies told us where to sit me and my Big sister got split apart then i told the lady can i please sit next to my sister because i am very anxious and scared she has all my gears and i really don’t want to sit next to strangers.Yes OK i’ll tell the person next to her. Excuse me can this young girl sit here  right next to her Mother. Yeah of course yes then i said hi to my Big sister Aye why are you here um i asked the lady to move OK and plus i’m really scared because i haven’t been on a plane for ages.

Belts on make it click, said the instructors then after that tip they said second turn of all phones and Electricity devices. So then i turned of my cell phone, because the instructors told us to turn off all devices. Then the plane started moving fast speed, i was crying for ages because of all the bad movies, i was watching like when the plane crashed and my worst nightmares are airplanes, and heights.Those are my nightmares then the speed even when faster than faster than even more faster my sister was like watch the planes going to lift off 5,4,3,2,1 boom,lift off then i firstly i stopped crying and said WOW! that’s cool then the plane went onto an angel and flew off i was laughing because it was cool and fun. Now i’m not terrified of heights and airplanes anymore.


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