
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Current events.

c1. How many Auckland households have
chosen to receive a paper printed phone
book in their new opt-in system?
•a. 4% b. 20% c. 65%

2. Why has the U.S state of Colorado been in
the news?
•a. they have been fighting a devastating fire
•b. huge tornadoes have ripped through the
•c. they are concerned about a serial arsonist
that is lighting fires in schools

3. What was found on a soldier’s body that
was sent home to Christchurch from

4. Riot police in London were called in to deal
with protesters in ahead of this week's G8
summit. What is the G8 summit?
•a. a meeting of the eight richest people
•b. a gathering of government
representatives of the eight wealthiest
•c. a meeting of the eight largest
companies in the world

5. John Key has been calling MP's from which
political party “hypocrites” after they visited
Sky City's corporate box at an All Blacks
•a. the Greens
•b. the Labour Party
•c. the Mana Party

6. New Zealand has grown a fruit variety that
is the smallest in the world and is being
exported exclusively to a major UK
department store. What type of fruit is it?
•a. a kiwifruit
•b. an apple
•c. a plum

7. In which country were over 20, 000 people
asked to evacuate as the Elbe river
threatened to flood?
•a. Italy b. Japan c. Germany

8. What is Matariki?
•a. a cluster of stars
•b. a waka
•c. a taniwha

9. Which Government Department is claiming
it is being blackmailed by someone who
has accidentally received confidential
information that they shouldn't have?
•a. Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
•b. Work and Income NZ (WINZ)
•c. Child Youth and Family Services

10.What country do experts believe will
overtake China in 2028 to be the world’s
most populated country?

11.True or false, high visibility clothing does
improve cyclists safety according to

12.What is the South American country
Venezuela, considering introducing to
encourage women to breastfeed their
•a. higher taxes on baby milk formula
•b. a weekly payment to all mothers who
choose to breastfeed their babies
•c. a ban on the sale of baby bottles

13.Who is the Earthquake Recovery Minister?
•a. Bill English
•b. Gerry Brownlee

14.French authorities have destroyed more
than 1 million what?
•a. grape vines that were infected with a virus
•b. illegal high powered fireworks
•c. fake designer accessories and clothing

15.True or false, the term Dad Dancing has
been included in the latest version of the

Oxford English Dictionary (OED)?


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