
Thursday, 27 June 2013


Thursday 27th June 2013

It was a dark cold night. Suddenly the wind was crashing on to my face as if i was underneath the water.Then this gloomy strange sound was coming from behind me. My face was red as a boiling jug I had goose bumps rising up my left hand arm, as if i just came out of a freezing cold bath.

A few minutes later a noise appeared coming from behind me. cluck cluck cluck my legs were shivering i I was deadly scared as if i just watched a terrifying movie. The didn't know who was behind me.

The moon in the sky was glowing on and off then awhile later  the clouds were covering the moon as if that night it was the eclipse. There was a noise woof woof all the dogs on the street were barking for awhile i thought the dogs were barking at me.

Then the owners of the dog’s  came out shh who is it girl suddenly the dog escaped AH i shouted out loud help help get off me as i was in pain. I finally forgot that i had chicken in my back pocket AH NO BAD DOG i was frightened as hell .

A while later the dog sniff my pant’s and bit my bot ox AH so then i found a Big tall tree and started climbing it as the blood was bursting down my legs. I couldn't really see where i was in the dark but i knew i was on top of a tree. I heard a little cat up in the tree with me Meow so then i knew I couldn't put the cat down on the ground because i knew it will get eaten up by the dog. So then i just sat up on the tree and sang a song to the cat. while the dog goes away.  


Anonymous said...

wow what a great story you have wrote I'd love to read more. Keep up the good work and keep on writing stories

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